Period Like Cramps and Lower Back Pain 30 Weeks Pregnant

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Let's be real, stomach pains are never going to fill you with joy. But they are particularly upsetting when you're trying to get pregnant. You might think that the gripes are a sign your period is on the way, or worse - if you've recently had a positive pregnancy test, you may be worried about miscarriage.

But cramping in early pregnancy is super common, and, actually it's a symptom that you're expecting. Along with achey boobs and nausea, it can be just one of the many little signs that your body is busy growing a baby.

So how can you tell if your stomach ache is simply a sign that you're on the fast train to parenthood, or if you need to seek medical advice? To get answers, WH asked Dr Virginia Beckett, consultant obstetrician and spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, to answer your frequently asked questions on this very topic.

1/ Is it normal to have cramps at 4 weeks pregnant?

Yes, it is perfectly normal to experience a cramping pain during implantation, which is when the fertilised egg nestles into the wall of the womb, explains Dr Beckett. Not every pregnant woman will feel it, but for those who do 'this discomfort is likely to present 10-14 days after conception, or shortly before a woman would expect her next period,' she says.

Now you may be thinking: 'Hang on, 10-14 days isn't the same as four weeks,' and you'd be right, but the way we count how many weeks pregnant you are, is a bit tricksy. You actually start counting down the weeks from the first day of your last period, which will have been around two weeks before conception.

So your first month of pregnancy is already half way over before you even had sex - which is a bit odd perhaps – but we're grateful for anything that makes those nine months go a little quicker.



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2/ Is it normal to get cramps later on in the first trimester?

Mild cramping at any point during the first three months of pregnancy is usually nothing to worry about, as it can be caused by the significant hormone changes you're experiencing. 'The body produces higher rates of progesterone during pregnancy, which can have an effect on muscles, ligaments and joints, making them more flexible,' explains Dr Beckett. 'This may be felt as the womb expands to accommodate the growing foetus.'

Other causes of cramps include trapped wind and constipation, both of which are common in pregnancy - it's such a glamorous time.

If the pain is only mild and goes away after you rest, poo or pass wind, then it's probably nothing to fret about, according to the NHS. But if you are worried, you should call your midwife (if you have one already) or your GP. Feeling anxious is perfectly understandable and they'll be able address any concerns you have.

3/ What does early pregnancy cramping feel like?

Cramping during implantation 'is likely to feel similar to period pain,' says Dr Beckett. But if the pain is intense or accompanied by lower back pain, then the NHS advises calling your midwife or GP to rule out any other causes.

4/ Where are early pregnancy cramps located?

Implantation cramps will be felt in your lower stomach. 'Further into the pregnancy, women may also experience some cramping and pain around their abdomen and back,' says Dr Beckett.

5/ How long do early pregnancy cramps last?

The pain should go away after you've rested for 30 to 60 minutes, according to the NHS. If it doesn't, or if you are experiencing cramps regularly, then it is best to call your midwife or GP, as it could be a symptom of something that needs to be checked urgently.

6/ What can you do to ease cramping in early pregnancy?

'Mild pain during pregnancy can be managed with paracetamol, if a woman usually takes this safely, and also may be alleviated with a hot water bottle, a warm bath or gentle exercise,' says Dr Beckett. 'If a woman is not sure what she can safely do to manage her pain, she should contact her healthcare professional for advice.'

7/ When should I be worried about cramping in early pregnancy?

'If a woman is experiencing severe or continual pain during early pregnancy, or heavy bleeding, she should contact a healthcare professional for advice or call 999 in an emergency situation,' says Dr Beckett. 'While the majority of cramping and light bleeding during early pregnancy is not a cause for concern, it could indicate the onset of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy.'

8/ What do miscarriage cramps feel like?

According to The Miscarriage Association if you miscarry in the early weeks of pregnancy: 'You are likely to have period-like cramps that can be extremely painful. This is because the uterus is tightly squeezing to push its contents out, like it does in labour – and some women do experience contractions not unlike labour'. This pain is likely to be accompanied by heavy bleeding.

So to sum up, cramping is common in early pregnancy and is usually nothing to worry about, but if you have any concerns at all, do contact your GP or midwife. Feeling anxious about your pregnancy is perfectly understandable and they'll be more than happy to address any problems you have.

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Health contributor Ellen Wallwork is a freelance journalist and editor who specialises in lifestyle, parenting, health, mental health and green living. Previously Life Editor at HuffPost UK, she has also written for Stylist, The Strategist UK, Healthy Food Guide and, of course, Women's Health.

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Period Like Cramps and Lower Back Pain 30 Weeks Pregnant


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